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Priorities this academic year are:
- Develop the management of the Godalming Learning Partnership so that it is sustainable both financially and operationally.
- Ensure School Direct Teacher Training programme provides the excellent and broad based experience we aimed for, using stakeholders’ evaluation to refine
- Develop Talk for Writing across the GLP, using INSET days to train staff and later evaluate its impact on children’s attainment.
- Develop a School Support Policy that has a clear strategy for the objective assessment of all our schoolsand a process to establish an agreed plan of support to any school that needs it.
- Develop a feasibility study to explore different ways the Partnership might operate financially more efficiently, investigating shared staffing, procurement, income genertion and fundraising in particular.
- Establish a Recruitment protocol between all schools.
- Develop community relations through promotional information, wider incluison in events and engaging local events.
- Develop governance across the GLP schools.
Progress on priorities in 2018-2019:
- Progress the formation of a Cooperative Foundation Trust to ensure Confederation schools can best meet the challenges of the future education world.
COMPLETED. The Godalming Learning Partnership was formally incorporated in early Dec 2018. The Board has met several times this year and agreed the work of the Partnership for the coming year.
- Promote our Winchester University led Schools Direct teacher training programme with so that we start 2019-2020 with a high calibre cohort of students.
COMPLETED. The GET Teaching website, flyers, banners and press promotions have enabled us to recruit 7 excellent students for Sept 2019.
- Further develop maths teaching via joint INSET and joint practice evaluation, ensuring involvement of all teaching assistants as well as teachers
COMPLETED. The inclusion of teaching assistants (TAs) in our development of maths teaching has been particularly helpful, and was much appreciated by the TAs themselves.
- Extend our use of Networks for sharing best practice e.g. Home School Link Workers (HSLW), Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, Governance.
UNDERWAY. Our SENDCo and HSLW groups have had some sessions but it is proving tricky to find dates when all staff can attend - a result of these roles being part-time. Governance development has been agreed as a priority by the Board and wil be targeted in 2019-2020.
- Develop our Improvement through Peer Review (IPR) programme to include an autumn school ‘health check’.
COMPLETED. The joint purchasing power of the GLP schools has allowed us to employ an external consultant who will undertake this annual review of school data to identify the areas of development as well as real success.